Book Review and Giveaway: The Biggest Story

What's the biggest story in the Bible? Is it the plagues in Egypt? Is it the story of David and Goliath? Is it the one about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? Or maybe it's the story of Jesus' death and resurrection?

Actually, it's the one about the Snake Crusher.

Book Review: The Biggest Story

The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden
is the new children's book written by Keven DeYoung. It's about the biggest story, the story of redemption. It begins with a perfect world, the first man and woman, and a deceitful snake. It tells the story of what happened in the Garden where Adam and Eve believed the Snake's lies, disobeyed, were removed from Paradise, and the presence of God. Before they left the Garden though, God gave them a promise that one day, a snake crusher would come and make things right.

The rest of the book follows the familiar stories of God's people who failed to follow God over and over and of God who kept his promises all the same. "It was a very good thing God was always rescuing his people. Because it seemed that no matter how many times God saved his people, the Israelites were never quite safe from themselves" (p.66).

And then the promised Snake Crusher is born. The book goes on to talk about Jesus' perfect life, death, and resurrection. The promise given back in Genesis came true. Jesus conquered sin and death at the cross. "Our story is the story of God doing what we can't, in order to make up for us doing what we shouldn't. The Christ suffers for our sin, that we might share in his sinlessness...God kicks his own people out of Paradise and then does whatever it takes to bring them back again" (p.107).

The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden ends with the glorious promise of the Snake Crusher's return to make all things right where we will live with him forever in a place where there is no more bad guys and no more tears.

This book is filled with engaging prose, and fun images that my children enjoyed. The story is Christ-centered, God exalting, and filled with hope. It shows children that God keeps his word. No matter how far God's people strayed, God never failed to keep his promise to bring them a deliverer. The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden also incorporates theological truths, woven throughout the story, teaching children that Jesus is the second Adam, that he is the final and perfect prophet, priest, and king, and the fulfillment of God's promise to Adam, Abraham, and David. It also highlights the truth that God is holy and we are sinful. We need salvation and we need Jesus, the Snake Crusher, to restore us back to God.

I highly recommend this book to all families who have elementary age children. The story of redemption is the biggest and best story and one our children need to hear over and over again.

I have one copy to give away. Enter below, U.S. residents only. Enter below. Update: Lisa is the winner of this giveaway. Congratulations!

Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for my review. The thoughts and opinions are my own. This post also contains Amazon affiliate links.